Our Products
Tree Selection: Responsible forest management is our primary concern. Our current product list was developed to best utilize the timber selected for harvest in our managed thinning operations. Our current tree selection process favors trees whose removal will benefit the overall health and timber quality of the remaining stand. Product Selection: The removal of unhealthy lower grade trees will guarantee quality timber in the future but it presents some challenges in product development. Our product line was developed to utilize all grades of timber. Our random length products like our Island Fir Flooring and Gray Weather Paneling are designed to use any length and grade of lumber. These short wood paneling products keep the majority of our lower grade lumber from going to the chipper. The majority of our current harvest is Douglas Fir. On occasion we will offer similar products in Hemlock, Grand Fir and Western Red Cedar. Product Availability: Our products are available for direct purchase from the Blakley Island Timber Company |