More About Us
We are not a logging company.
Harvesting and logging are a small part of our overall operation. Blakely Island Timber Company's operation is best described as a timberland management company that supports itself through the sustainable production and sale of wood products generated from its woodlands. Our wood products are milled, kiln dried, shaped and packaged here on Blakely Island.
FOREST MANAGEMENT Our first priority is managing the island's timber land for the future. A healthy, productive future. You can't rush good forestry and it will take several generations before all management zones within the 2,200 acres meet their prescribed goals. HARVESTING Harvesting timber is often frowned upon because it is the most noticeable step in the production of our country's most preferred building material. In order to get the lumber we need the tree. In order to get the tree we have decided to operate on a sustainable annual harvest. Simply put that means our annual harvest is well below the forest's annual growth. Trees are selectively harvested with salvage of downed, damaged or dying trees our first priority. Logs are transported via a private and managed forest road system to our mill site. MILLING and DRYING: Our choice of sawmills is currently a thin kerf Woodmizer band saw. Minimal waste with minimal energy consumption. We utilize a Nyle Dehumidification Dry Kiln to dry our lumber to its desired moisture content. Proper drying is a critical step in producing a quality wood product. If it isn't kiln dried, it isn't finished lumber. |